James Hardie is a world-famous fiber cement manufacturing company that offers high-quality and safe siding profiles. What is fiber cement? It is an artificial composite material that features cement, silica, wood pulp, and other components to form a highly durable material. Even though the technology of fiber cement was invented more than a hundred years ago, it wasn’t popular due to health issues its main component asbestos was causing. However, in the 1980s James Hardie developed a new less harmful production method that drove their products to the top of the building market. Let’s take a look at why people prefer it over other types of siding.
James Hardie siding aka fiber cement material is known for its extremely durable material that equally well holds against aging, weather effects, direct sunlight, mold, or rotting. It is immune to insects and other pests, and highly resistant to fire. Fiber cement siding requires close to none in maintenance and is easy to clean with regular power washer. Last but not least, James Hardie siding systems are very customizable and can be produced in various shapes including those imitating natural wood or stone.
From the other side, fiber cement siding is a complicated technology that requires a professional approach and special tools during the installation or modifications which means you will most likely have to hire specialized siding crew. Another restriction is the price for James Hardie siding materials which is relatively high.
Considering to give your home a new look with James Hardie siding systems? In search of a professional and reliable contractor in University City, Philadelphia? Our experienced company will make the design selection process and installation work easy and affordable for local customers. If you have any questions regarding our services or prices, feel free to contact us in any convenient way.
Our professional crew is ready to satisfy your needs. We are skilled to handle any project.
After project is done our team cleans everything to make sure that you are satisfied with the work.
We know how precious time can be, so we strictly adhere to the specified time frames.
We are glad to present our modern and unique design features, making our house an exclusive piece of art.